Colour Therapy - The Master Bedroom

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Best home interior designers in Bangalore - Colour Therapy - The Master Bedroom

If there is one thing 2020 has taught us, it is that our homes truly are our castles and that the primary concern in home décor should be comfort and convenience over design trends. So why should the master bedroom be any different? Ditch the conventional wisdom about how master bedrooms should look – after all, it is where you relax and rejuvenate and the morning sun wakes you to an energetic new day! Check out these colour ideas from Decorpot to see how you can create a brand-new world to wake up in. 

Fresh New Colours for Your Walls

Leading Interior Designers in Bangalore

If you think the master bedroom has to sport white or any of its associates like off-white, ivory, cream or eggshell, you don’t know what you are missing out on! Bedrooms now sport everything from cobalt blue to bright red. Relaxation does not necessarily equate to white walls. Whatever colour you automatically gravitate to is your colour of choice and now you can put any of it on your walls. Choose the shade that makes you feel the most you – because what you need when you wake up in the morning is a dose of positivity and energy. 

Here are some combinations that have made it to our designer’s lists this year:

    - Blues: Blue is considered a soothing and relaxing colour – one that induces a sense of contentment. But what gets us really excited is the world of possibilities in pairing it with unconventional partners. Yellow and ivory, of course. But even soft pink, coral or apple green. 

    - Green: Green was not high on anyone’s preference for walls until recently. But its calming effect is now making it a popular choice, even for bedrooms. Even more exciting are the combinations it can be used in, to create absolutely stunning spaces. Think Sage Green with accents of blue and white. Or Olive Green paired with Black and White. Mint Green works beautifully with traditional wooden furniture. 

    - Black: No, don’t frown just yet. Yes, black is also gaining prominence in bedroom design in its softer and less imposing shades. Black provides a great backdrop for your lighter accents and creates a surprisingly relaxing vibe. 

    - Pastels: If you thought Pink, Lavender, Peach, and Periwinkle were reserved for your drapes or soft furnishings, think again! Entire bedrooms are now being taken over by these soft and wonderfully adaptive colours that make you feel like you are living in a fairy tale!

The Accent Wall

Best Interior Designers in Bangalore

If you are not sure about putting your favourite shades all over your room, you can always put it on an accent wall. If conventional thinking says that you put the lightest shade on your ceiling, the new thinking is that you go brightest on the ceiling. Imagine the visual flair of a navy blue or purple ceiling!

Let your imagination go wild when dreaming up your ideal space to relax in. That is what your master bedroom should look like! 


More for you in our Color Therapy Series-

The Living Room

The Kitchen

The Dining Room