Creative and Trending Wall Panel Designs for Living room and Bedroom

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Best home interior designers in Bangalore - Creative and Trending Wall Panel Designs for Living room and Bedroom

Walls are what, make and turn an empty space into different forms of functional areas. Be it a home, a workspace, a warehouse, an auditorium, or whatever the purpose of the space, walls define them. They separate, bring together, and make the spaces bound to be in a concealed manner that makes them functional in many ways. Homes are made with walls, and that's what we see when we are inside it. People decorate it in different forms to make it look interesting and eye-catching with colors, decor items, and more. But to add more to it, wall panels are a great solution, as they completely transform the look and feel.

What are wall panel designs?

Wall panels are used for insulating a wall with the use of a material of choice that covers it. Wall panels are used to provide aesthetics, acoustics, and also a layer of proof for walls. There is a growing trend that people prefer doing wall paneling for their bedrooms as it provides an enhanced look and feel. So naturally there are a lot of new trends in designs are emerging day by day.

Let's see some of the creative and trending wall panel designs for your bedroom listed by our interior designers in bangalore.

Wall Panel Design Types

Wall panels can be made up of different types of materials based on the requirements that depend upon the design, space, and choices. Let's see its types.

Wooden panels

wooden panel

Wooden paneling is common among people nowadays as the wood naturally brings in the natural and stylish factor. Wooden panels are easy to customize based on the designs and they also give a warm and rustic look and also durable.

Stone Panels

stone panel

Stones like marble, granite, and limestone are used in creating panels as they enhance the look to the highest level and are also very durable.

Metal Panels

metal panel

Metal wall panels are mostly made up of aluminium and coated metallic sheets and they are mostly used in industrial and warehouse areas.

3D wall panels

3d wall panel

The 3 dimensioned panels bring in the 3D effect in different shapes and sizes based on the design making it look more depth and attractive. They are molded and cut into different shapes to give an immersive feel.

Fabric Panels

fabric panels

These types of panels are covered with fabric materials over the main material to make the look and feel of the wall panel a good one. It can be stitched and customized based on designs and add more luxury factor.


Wall panels in homes are mainly designed to improve the aesthetics and to enhance visual appeal. As per our interior designers in coimbatore, the wall panels are appreciated by people for its versatility. Wall panel designs also used as a sound proof and fireproof for walls. They are also can be designed in a way we want makes it more choosable.


Lets see the trending wall panel design ideas for your living room and bedroom from our interior designers in chennai.

Add Symmetry with Vertical Lines

Add symmetry with vertical lines

Its always beautiful when things are symmetric. Adding vertical lines in panels will make a simple yet catchy look and it also suits all types of other decor in your living room. Wooden panels or mdf panels are mostly preferred for this design style.

Wooden Paneling Designs

Wooden paneling is mostly preferred type of designs as they are cost effective and for its customizable nature. Different shapes of designs can be made and they are also sound proof to an extent in nature.

Mix Leather with Wooden Wall Panelling Design

Leather finish to a wooden wall panel is a trend that is hot right now. The feel of the leather and durability of wood makes it a great combo. They also can be stuffed with sponges to make them more detailed and depth.

3D Wall Panel Designs

3D wall panel designs are the way to go designs in 2023 according to our interior designers in bangalore. They automatically attract eyes and bring more immerse effect. Adding lights along with them will make it too good.

Luxurious wall panel with a Geometric Play

luxurious wall panel with a geometric play

Geometric patterns are always interesting in nature. Depends on the shapes, it makes different impacts on the look. The squares, triangles, rectangles, all make a wall panel design more lively and also a luxury feel.

Tiled Wall Panel Design

tiled wall panel design

Tiled wall panel design are generally used in modular kitchens as they protect the walls and normally resistant to heat and water. They are available in various designs that can be chosen based on taste and nature of the room

Laminate Wall Panel design

laminate wall panel design

Glass laminated wall panels are a thing of luxury. They add a glossy feel to it and also enhance the colors and act as a focal point. With proper light setup they will illuminate the entire living room as per our interior designers in pune.

Fabric Wall Panel

Fabrics are used as the upper layer in this wall panel type, where different types of fabrics like wool, velvette, cotton are used over the material to bring a unique look.

Wall Art Panel Design

wall art panel design

Art always catches attention, brings in meaning and alters the mood. Using wall arts as your panel design will exhibit all this factors and also shows your taste. They make your bedroom and living room more beautiful and personal.

How to choose the right wall panel for your living room and bedroom?

Choosing the right wall panels for your living room and bedroom always depends upon your taste and preferences in style and also upto the space. These creative and trending wall panel designs from our interior designers in chennai might help you to choose your favourite wall panel design.

For more customized designs and complete home interior design, you can contact our design experts at decorpot now @ 91086-02000 


What is wall paneling design?

Wall paneling design is a process of adding a panel that made up of a specific material to cover the wall to improve the aesthetics of the room and to be resistant to various things that affects the wall.

Which is the best material for wall paneling?

There are lot of materials in which a wall panel design can be made of such as wood, metal, fabric, mdf, tiles and more

What is the cost of wall paneling design for the living room and bedroom?

The cost of wall paneling design will be cost as per the square feet and the varies depends on the material.

How long will it take to install the wall paneling design for your home?

The installation of wall paneling at decorpot is done along with the other end to to end interior works. So the total estimated time for end to end home interior installation will be 60 days.

How will Decorpot help you?

Our interior designers in bangalore will sit with you and let you explore the designs that will help you to get your desired home interiors.