• Decor Journals
Best home interior designers in Bangalore - ECO FRIENDLY HOME INTERIOR IDEAS

As of September 2022, 2000 fresh fires have broken out at Earth’s lungs, causing global climate change that is already observable with the rapid depletion of ice caps at the poles and a surge in natural disasters. The future looks quite alarming and it is high time that we woke up and did something about it. As every drop in the ocean counts, we need to take mini steps at our homes to keep a check on our carbon footprint and take a step to make a difference. Here are a few ecofriendly decor tips and suggestions from our best interior designers in Hyderabad to make an ecofriendly home.

1. Keep it Lighter and greener:

As responsible interior designers in chennai, it is crucial to judge the ecological effects before designing a space as well. Keeping a building earthy, by using lighter colors or even neutral colors, not only makes your home look bigger but also helps make it look well lit. It is also recommended to use elements closer to nature, and use recycled materials like bottles to create a nice little garden in your balcony that can consume any CO2 emissions and give the healthy Oxygen in return.



2. Eco friendly paints:

Every year, we redecorate our homes for various special occasions. Unfortunately, we forget the hazardous impact of paint on our environment. Most paints and stains contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may harm the surroundings. To overcome this, the solution for the above has been developed. The Knox OUT paint is a variant that absorbs pollutants. So many interior designers in Bangalore prefer eco-friendly paints for the homes for sustainable home interiors. 

3. Water conservation- check:

It's a chilling fact that cities around the world running out of water are slowly coming to reality, Chennai being the recent hit. As per forecasts, by 2050, India would be compelled to import water as many cities are forecasted to sooner or later lose water as a free resource. To overcome this, interior designers in chennai recommend people to use appliances such as basins and bath fittings which reduce water wastage. Having a kitchen island with a single long basin will act as multifunctional and also saves water consumption. 


4. Use bio-Plastic:

The good news is that in the last few years, there has been a lot of awareness about the over use of plastic, in the form of bags and straws and is slowly reducing worldwide. Still there is a lot of plastic around us.It is time we switch to bioplastic! Bioplastic or biodegradable plastic is a biodegradable material that comes from renewable resources. We at decorpot and our interior designers in hyderabad prefer using bioplastic materials for the interiors if the need arises. Also plaster of paris and fiberglass are mostly used for ceilings and other interiors.


With the world becoming more and more inhabitable for all living beings, these are few steps that can actually make a difference. The biggest gift we can give future generations is a better place to live - a better Earth. Like Michel Jackson sang years ago, “Heal the world, make it a better place. For you and for me and for the entire human race.”  Our top interior designers in chennai have this as their motto to create your home an eco-friendly one.

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