Brilliant Decor Ideas for Stylish Bookshelves

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Best home interior designers in Bangalore - Brilliant Decor Ideas for Stylish Bookshelves

It’s rare for a book lover to have an empty bookshelf at home. In fact, they are often out of space to store their precious books. But what if you have a bookshelf that looks too bare and dull? How do you bring some cheer to it and the room? 

Interior Designers in Bangalore offer multiple ideas to smarten up your bookshelf and give it a new lease of life. Whether you are a book lover or a non-reader with an empty bookshelf, this blog is sure to give you a few ideas. 

Not-so-Perfect Arrangement 

Designers at Decorpot say that there’s something very attractive about a not-so-perfect bookshelf, and we agree it’s worth considering this idea. Think of books in all sizes and shapes arranged based on color or genre. Place an indoor plant on one of the shelves, and line up seashells on another. Maybe an old showpiece can sit with the books too. It’s a blend of textures, colors, shapes, and items. It’s hardly perfect. But it’s beautiful and stylish. 

Horizontal and Diagonal

Horizontal and Diagonal Bookshelves

Books lined vertically remind us of libraries, don’t they? Give your Interiors in Bangalore a new twist. Let the books go onto the shelf vertically or diagonally. Place a sturdy toy or plush for the books to lean on. Make steps on the shelves with books as stepping stones. It would be symbolic, isn’t it? 

Book and Antiques Together 

Book and Antiques Together

Your bookshelf can be a treasure trove in more ways than one. Home Interior Designers in chennai suggest that placing antique vases, maps, goblets, teapots, etc., can enhance the beauty of your bookshelf. You can match the content of the books with the showpieces you have to create a theme. Just layer the books and antiques on each shelf in any pattern of your choice. It would be interesting to see how many guests can guess the theme on their own. 

Practical and Playful for Kids 

What if the kid’s room is the only place to set the bookshelf? Go ahead and do it. Remember to place the books and toys alternately on each shelf. Every rack should have both books and toys so that the kid will invariably be tempted to pick up a book. See to it that the Interior Design Bangalore for the kid’s bookshelf has enough empty space. It becomes easy to clean and is a great way to teach your kid to take care of their things. 

Wallpaper on the Bookshelf

Wallpaper on the Bookshelf

Whoever said wallpaper has to be only on the walls. The background of the bookshelf is left plain most of the time. Why not give a splash of color by sticking wallpaper on it? Interior Designers in Hyderabad have recommended this technique to different clients, and everyone is happy with the results. The kind of wallpaper you choose does the trick.


Go symmetrical, asymmetrical, color-coded, random, or totally royal. Try something you haven’t done before with your bookshelf. Contact designers at Decorpot to get more ideas about styling your bookshelves. Make use of the extra space and flaunt your taste.